I always look forward to your lists! I'm going to add The Postcard for sure.

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Looking forward to chatting about it once you've read it.

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Jan 2·edited Jan 2Liked by Merri Ukraincik

From your list, I've only read "Gilead," but I liked Robinson's follow-up novels, "Home" and "Lila" better. Like you, I have tried many acclaimed books only to find them wanting. I love Ann Patchett, for example, but am unlikely to dip into "Tom Lake," based on lackluster reviews. I love her collections "This is the Story of a Happy Marriage" as well as "These Precious Days." In 2023 I practically inhaled Richard Osman's fantastic "The Last Devil to Die Series," but you must like British humor and mysteries. I loved (and reviewed) Meir Soloveichik's "Providence and Power" and Dan Senor and Saul Singer's "The Genius of Israel," incredibly timed with a release just last November. In 2024, the book I'm most excited for is my next memoir, "Bylines and Blessings," about how Jewish values and practice influenced my work as a Jewish writer (admittedly, I'm quite partial to it).

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Excited for you, Judy. Much luck! I needed Tom Lake when I read it, to be honest. But it's not my favorite. I could get into the Osman (my book club read it), but have the Soloveichik on my list. Thanks for the recommendations.

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Jan 2Liked by Merri Ukraincik

Shanda..by Lettie Cottin Pobregbin

excellent memoir

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Oooh...I'd heard about it, but haven't read it. Thank you!

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Awesome list! My favorites this year included The Postcard and The Covenant of Water, both on your list...as well as Ann Patchett’s essay collection These Precious Days. Still Life by Sarah Winman because it was a beautiful book that I was able to read after Oct 7, and a little known book called Harry’s Trees. (Highly recommend the audio version).

In previous years I’ve lived The Liar and Nothing to See Here. And agree with you on Lessons in Chemistry, which felt a little too contrived for me...

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